
Showing posts from September, 2018

Know How Ayurvedic herbal Treatment for Psoriasis Is the Best Remedy

The prescription medicines that are used to treat psoriasis can cause unpleasant side effects. Thankfully, there are natural methods of  Best ayurvedic psoriasis treatment in nagpur , which do not cause side effects. One of the best types of psoriasis treatment is Ayurveda medicine. Ayurveda is a holistic and ancient form of treatment which originated in northern India. It is based on the idea that good health depends on a healthy mind, body and spirit. Ayurveda heavily relies on herbal remedies and improving one lifestyle by engaging in exercises like yoga, eating healthy foods, meditating and detoxifying the body. Ayurveda practitioners believe that everyone has a distinct energy pattern, which is made of 3 kinds of energies. These energies are referred to as doshas and they include: ·          Vata energy: It controls the function of the body  ·          Kapha energy : It con...

पीठ दर्द उपचार

कमर टुटना या पीठ दर्द अब केवल मुहावरा नहीं रह गया ꟾ अब यह एक बडे पैमाने पर देखी जानेवाली बीमारी हो गयी है। यह दर्द केवल कमर तक सीमित नही है। आज की जीवनशैली, बैठ कर काम करने की पद्धति के कारण यह सहज रुप से दिखाई देनेवाली बीमारी हो गयी है।  एक सर्वे से पता चला हैं कि ६० % से ७५% लोग पीठ दर्द (Back Pain) के शिकार है, और यह काफी गंभीर है। जीवन की भागदौड, तनावपूर्ण जीवनशैली, नि:सत्व आहार, शारीरिक व मानसिक तनाव , नियमित तौर पे कंप्यूटर के सामने काम के कारण पीठ दर्द काफी गंभीर हो गया है। कोई वजनदार वस्तु उठा लेने से, अस्थि क्षय या कैल्शियम की कमी के कारण रीढ की हड्डी कमजोर होना, बचपन में ही स्कूल बैग का पीठ पर भार, ज्यादा समय वाहनों से घूमना , लगातार एक जगह बैठना, कुर्सी पर अधिकाधिक समय बैठना, कम्प्युटर पर ज्यादा समय तक काम करना, किसी भी वाहन से यात्रा करते समय रीढ की हड्डी को क्षति पहुँचना, पेट साफ न रहना, रात में जागरण, चिंता, शोक, क्रोध तथा उचित आहार-रस का सेवन न करने के कारण रीढ की हड्डी कमजोर होना, व्यायाम न करना, कुर्सी या अन्य जगह बैठने की शारीरिक स्थिति सही न होना इत्यादि, ...

Best Weight Loss Center in Nagpur

Best weight loss center   Ayurveda, what we eat is converted into energy and the toxins are  expelled from the body. However, if the body does not utilize the energy efficiently, these toxins are not completely removed. Instead, they keep accumulating in the body and lead to undesirable consequences. Eventually, fat gets accumulated in the body, which is stubborn. The number of obese individuals has increased in the recent times owing to the   unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activities and stress . Even childhood obesity statistics have shown a marked hike in the past few years. The excessive weight in your body leads to various diseases and disorders.  From joint pain to  blood pressure and diabetes – you become prone to any disease owing to obesity and erratic lifestyle. Overweight is can affect your mental health too. Weight loss just through diet and exercise does not always produce the desired outcome. Ayurveda has...

Pathya-Apathya for Ayurvedic obesity treatment in Nagpur

Pathya-Apathya for Ayurvedic obesity treatment in Nagpur , Obesity is a condition where a person has accumulated so much body fat that it might have a negative impact on his health.   If a person’s body weight is even 20% higher than it should be, he or she is considered obese. There are many reasons why people become obese. It may be the intake of high caloric food, sedentary lifestyle, getting less sleep, defective lipid metabolism, smoking, use of certain medication, or presence of certain genes that make a person more vulnerable to obesity. Pathyakarahar (Do’s) for Obesity Treatment These are the things that are recommended in Ayurveda which help to reduce body weight. When consumed in proper proportions in the form of  herbal remedies , these Ayurvedic things help to shed fat from your body. Anna varga-PuranaShali(Old variety of Rice),Raktashali( Red variety of Rice)Shasthikashali(Rice harvested in 60 days),Yava(Barley), Chanaka(Chickpea) ,Kulatha(Horsegram)...

Best treatment for autism in Nagpur only at Parijatak

Exploring Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Infantile Autism Infantile Autism is a medical disorder appearing in children at the time of birth until the age of two or three and stays for a lifetime. It is an invasive development disorder mainly caused due to chemical imbalance, presence of viruses, and lack of oxygen at birth. The disorder is characterized by impaired communication skills, strange behavior, extremely possessiveness about specific object, lack of interest, and abnormal growth in all aspects. Further to this, other common symptoms of autism include: o Sensory abnormalities o Language defect o Under responsiveness o Splinter skills o Poor muscle tone o Impaired motor coordination o Unusual eating habits o Gastrointestinal symptoms o Inability to interact socially o Restricted behavior As per Ayurveda, excess of tridoshas including vata, pita, and kapha along with rajas and tamas is the main cause of infantile autism. Furthermore, other ele...

Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment in Nagpur

Parijatak – Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment in Nagpur . Cervical Spondylitis, known as Greeva graham in Ayurveda is a condition characterized by stiffness of the neck muscle and its surrounding areas.  The science of Ayurveda classifies it as a Vata condition. Vata, the system that is in control of the mind and body often malfunctions causing the body tissues to get depleted. In a normal course of events, this happens with age. Whatever the reason be, it causes the kalpa dosha in the body to take a dip. Since Kalpa is the buffer between bone joints, a paucity in the production of the same causes the discs to degenerate steadily. Together, the conditions contribute to the development of cervical spondylitis. Cervical spondylosis is caused by degeneration of bones, discs – cartilage cushion between the neck bones and joints of the neck. This condition is usually found in middle aged people and elderly. It is a wear and tear disease. Neck pain, stiffn...

Psoriasis Treatment Ayurveda in Nagpur

Psoriasis natural treatment in Nagpur Psoriasis natural Treatment in Nagpur – Psoriasis is an inflammatory dermatological condition that affects people aged between 15 and 40. Non-infectious, the condition causes the skin to develop rusty plaques in the affected areas. Silvery scales appear on top of the erythematous inflammations that itch severely. The real cause behind the condition is clinically unknown. The condition is said to have 15% morbidity in case either of the parents are or were affected by it. Should it be a case in which both the parents had psoriasis at some point, the probability of the children having it rises to 50%. Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis in Nagpur In Ayurveda, there are some very effective treatments of Psoriasis. Panchakarma method is used to flush the body’s toxins that are the predominant causes of all dermatological disorders. The  Psoriasis treatment Ayurveda in Nagpur mostly follow a schedule which splits it up int...