Best treatment for autism in Nagpur only at Parijatak

Exploring Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Infantile Autism

Infantile Autism is a medical disorder appearing in children at the time of birth until the age of two or three and stays for a lifetime. It is an invasive development disorder mainly caused due to chemical imbalance, presence of viruses, and lack of oxygen at birth. The disorder is characterized by impaired communication skills, strange behavior, extremely possessiveness about specific object, lack of interest, and abnormal growth in all aspects.

Further to this, other common symptoms of autism include:
o Sensory abnormalities
o Language defect
o Under responsiveness
o Splinter skills
o Poor muscle tone
o Impaired motor coordination
o Unusual eating habits
o Gastrointestinal symptoms
o Inability to interact socially
o Restricted behavior

As per Ayurveda, excess of tridoshas including vata, pita, and kapha along with rajas and tamas is the main cause of infantile autism. Furthermore, other elements like dushya, srotas, nidan, roga marga, rupa, rogasthana, and adhistana belonging to the body constitution are responsible for the increased development of autism.

Some of the Best Cure for Autism in Ayurveda India

Autism Ayurveda India has several herbal and home remedies along with natural therapies using medicated oils. Some of the best treatments include:
o Instilling modifications in behavior is one possible natural cure for autism in children. Speech therapy, language defect, skills of social interaction, classroom training and similar behavior changes can be corrected through proper guidance and deep understanding of the issue.
o Natural medicines or home remedies falling into the category of anti-depressants or medhya rasayana group of herbs are best considered for treating anxiety and obsessive-compulsive behavior.
o Dietary modifications regarding consumption of foods that improve digestion and fight against food allergies are best known for treating the behavioral patterns in autism. Some of the popular herbs for improving digestive functions are ginger, black pepper, trikatu, and long pepper.

o There are herbs like emblica officinalis, tinospora cordifolia, piper longum, and astragalus that support the immune system while helping sustain immune functions.
o Food sources and herbs like pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, hemp oil, chi seeds, walnuts, ginkgo, brahmi, shatavari, gotu kola, and ashwagandha promote regeneration of neurons associated with reduced cognitive functions.
o Fruits like apple, amla, pomegranate, pear, mango, and carrot are also beneficial.
o Panchakarma therapies including swedana, basti, panda sweda, nasayam, vamana, virechana, and pizichil are also fruitful for treating autism naturally.
Connect with Parijatak for the best treatment for autism in Nagpur. Though children are affected by the disorder but parents are most concerned, worried and under extreme pain striving to fight the disease on behalf of their children and bestow a healthy and active life upon their respective kids. The center beholds the most reputed and experienced Ayurvedic specialists and doctors to help parents place their children in safe hands for curing the symptoms of infantile autism.


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