
Showing posts from June, 2018

Amazing Pathya-Apathya for Obesity Hacks

Pathya-Apathya for Obesity Treatment in Ayurveda Obesity is a condition where a person has accumulated so much body fat that it might have a negative impact on his health. If a person’s body weight is even 20% higher than it should be, he or she is considered obese. There are many reasons why people become obese. It may be the intake of high caloric food, sedentary lifestyle, getting less sleep, defective lipid metabolism, smoking, use of certain medication, or presence of certain genes that make a person more vulnerable to obesity. Pathyakarahar (Do’s) for Obesity Treatment These are the things that are recommended in Ayurveda which help to reduce body weight. When consumed in proper proportions in the form of herbal remedies , these Ayurvedic things help to shed fat from your body. o     Anna varga-PuranaShali(Old variety of Rice),Raktashali( Red variety of Rice)Shasthikashali(Rice harvested in 60 days),Yava(Barley),Chanaka(Chickpea) ,Kulatha(Horsegram...

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The Untold Secret To Mastering Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity

Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity Obesity has become one of the fastest growing disorder of the decade. From children to adults, one in four individuals is obese. Obesity means that the body mass index (BMI) is more than 27. Excessive accumulation of fat in the body causes obesity . In a day we consume near about 1600-2000 calories and only 1000-1200 calories utilization done by yourself means near about 600-800 calories remain in the body. This leads to excess deposition of fat in the body and causes obesity. Increased body fat put the person at risk of critical diseases like heart disorders, diabetes, kidney ailments, liver diseases, arthritis and much more. Ayurvedic View of Obesity Acharya Charak explained obesity in “Asthnidit Adhaya ”. It is known as Medoroga. It is called by aggravation of Kapha. Kapha is normal state provide nourishment to tissues through various microchannels, but when it is aggravated it leads to the production of toxins in the body. These toxins...

All About Parnayavani Herb

Botanical Name :Coleus amboinicus. Lour. Classification: According To Modern Kingdom –Plantae Order –Lamiales              Family     – Lamiaceae According To Ayurveda Charak-     Not included in Varga Sushruta-   Not included in Gana Bhavprakash- Not included in Varga Other Names : Hindi name- Pattaajwayin, Amroda, Patherchur , pathercheer English name- Country borage, Indian mint, Indian borage Bengali name- Patharchoor, Paterchur,Amalkuchi Gujarathi name- Ovapan Kannada name- Doddapatre, Sambrani, Sambranisoppu Malayalam name- Panikoorka Marathi name- Pan ova Tamil name- Karpooravalli, Kurpurvallai Telugu name- Karuvacru, Sugandavallekam, Karpoorvalli French name- Coleus d’Afrique , Plectrianthusaromatique German name- Cubanischeroregano,JamaicanThymian Japenese name- Koreusuamboinikusu , Kuuban or...

Parpata Herb Ayurvedic Herb

Botanical Name  :Fumariavaillamntii. Loisel.  Classification: According To Modern Kingdom –Plantae Family     – Parpatakula According To Ayurveda Charak-  RajaNighantu – ParpatadiVarga KaiyyadevaNighantu – AushadhiVarga Sushruta- Bhavprakash- GuduchyadiVarga Other Names : ·          Garo: Pid-papra, Shahtra ·          Hindi: Papara, Pit papra ·          Malayalam: Parpatakam ·          Nepali: Dhukure ·          Sanskrit: Parpata, Parpatakah ·          Telugu: Chatarashi ·          Nepali: Dhukure, KoireKuro, ShampuPhool General Information : Skin problems, boils, eczema, daadkhaj, psoriasis Prepare decoction of Pitta papra and  n...