Parpata Herb Ayurvedic Herb

Best Weight Loss Center Nagpur

Botanical Name :Fumariavaillamntii. Loisel.
According To Modern
Kingdom –Plantae
Family     – Parpatakula
According To Ayurveda
Charak-  RajaNighantu – ParpatadiVarga
KaiyyadevaNighantu – AushadhiVarga
Bhavprakash- GuduchyadiVarga
Other Names :
·         Garo: Pid-papra, Shahtra
·         Hindi: Papara, Pit papra
·         Malayalam: Parpatakam
·         Nepali: Dhukure
·         Sanskrit: Parpata, Parpatakah
·         Telugu: Chatarashi
·         Nepali: Dhukure, KoireKuro, ShampuPhool
General Information :
Skin problems, boils, eczema, daadkhaj, psoriasis Prepare decoction of Pitta papra and neem leaves. Drink regularly for few days. Prepare homemade oil by cooking this herb in mustard oil and apply at affected areas. Kidney problem, Increased Serum creatine and urea Drink decoction of Pitta papra. For poisoning due to any reasons, Removal of body toxins. Prepare decoction by boiling Fumitory (5 gms) in water (200 ml) till volume reduces to 50 ml. Filter and drink. This helps in situation of swallowing of poisonous, toxic substance. Intestinal parasites, digestive problem, nausea, vomiting
Prepare powder of Pitta papra herb and take 1-2 gram twice a day.
 Properties (Gunadharma)
Rasa- Tikta
Vipak- Katu
Virya- Sheeta
 Specific Parts :
Doshaghnata :
Shloka’s :
पर्पट:शीतल स्तिक्त:पित्तश्र्लेश्मज्वरापह: |
रक्तदाहरुचीग्लानिमदभ्रमविनाशण: || . नी.
Being trishnashamak, deepana, grahi, krimighna and yakritottejana, it should be used in trishna, aruchi, agnimandya, krimi, yakritvikara it should be used in trishna, aruchi, agnimandya, krimi, yakritvikara and kamala. Being raktashudhikara and raktastambhana it is used in raktapitta, vatarakra, etc. and in mootrakrichchhra, kushtha, Pittavikara and daha.
Formulation (Kalp):
Parpatadiquatha, Parpatadyarishta.
Dosage :
Powder – 1 to  gm.
Decoction – 40 to 80 ml.


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