All About Parnayavani Herb

Botanical Name :Coleus amboinicus. Lour.
According To Modern
Kingdom –Plantae
Order –Lamiales             
Family     – Lamiaceae
According To Ayurveda
Charak-     Not included in Varga
Sushruta-   Not included in Gana

Bhavprakash- Not included in Varga
Other Names :

Hindi name- Pattaajwayin, Amroda, Patherchur , pathercheer

English name- Country borage, Indian mint, Indian borage

Bengali name- Patharchoor, Paterchur,Amalkuchi

Gujarathi name- Ovapan

Kannada name- Doddapatre, Sambrani, Sambranisoppu

Malayalam name- Panikoorka

Marathi name- Pan ova

Tamil name- Karpooravalli, Kurpurvallai

Telugu name- Karuvacru, Sugandavallekam, Karpoorvalli

French name- Coleus d’Afrique , Plectrianthusaromatique

German name- Cubanischeroregano,JamaicanThymian

Japenese name- Koreusuamboinikusu , Kuuban oregano

Malay name- Daunkucing (Indonesia) , DaunKambing(Indonesia)

Russian name- Plektrantusaromatryi

Spanish name- Oregano

Vietnamese name- Tan day le

Mah- Pan-ova

Gujarathi name – Ovapana

Chinese name – ZuoShou Xiang

  General Information :

Habit – perennial herb, shrubby  below. Branches – hispidly villous or tomentose. Stem – 30 to 90 cm long fleshy. Leaves – 2.5 to 5 cm long, petioled. Broadly ovate or cordate, crenate, fleshy and aromatic. Flowers – purplish coloured with short tube.
Properties (Gunadharma)
Rasa- Katu, tikta
Vipak- Katu
Virya- Ushna
Guna-Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna
Specific Parts :
Doshaghnata :
Kapha- vatshamak.
 Shloka’s :
तीक्ष्णा पर्णयवान्युष्णा कटूतिक्ता रसे लघु:│
Benefits :
It should be used in aruchi, agnimandya, ajeerna, vishtambha, diseases of liver, udarashoola,atisara,grahani, vishuchika and in krimis by its ruchikara,deepaniya,pachaniya,vatanulomak,yakritottejak,grahi and krimighna in gunas.
Parnayavani juice is very effective for the treatment of vishuchika. It should be given in a dose of 12 ml. stat followed by 6 ml every hour for two doses. If no relief is obtained it should be repeated after 8 hours in the same manner.
 Swasa (Dificulty in breathing)
Parnayavani (Coleus amboinicus) leaves juic is given with honey in case of Swasa (Difficulty in breathing).
Udarasula (Pain abdomen)
parnayavani (Coleus amboinicus) leaves juice  with sugar is given  in case of Udarasula (Pain abdomen).
Dosage :
5 to 10 ml.

       Research Corner :

A study is done to investigate protective effect of Coleus aromaticus leaf extract against naphthalene induced hepaleusaromaticus leaf extract against naphthalene induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Significant protective effect was observed against naphthalene induced liver damage damaged, which appeared evident from the response levels of marker enzymes (aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase).


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