Best Ayurvedic Psoriasis Natural Treatment
Best psoriasis herbal treatment in Nagpur
A skin disorder which is caused due to an overactive immune system (the condition in which the immune system starts attacking the protective cells in the body), is termed as psoriasis. While the exact cause of this skin disease has not been known till now and is mostly considered to be because of the faulty immune system, its symptoms include flakiness and inflammation of skin along with the occurrence of red, whitish-silver and thick patches on different parts of the body. These patches are mainly witnessed around scalp, elbows, and knees.
Even though you have the best treatment for psoriasis in Nagpur, you should know that this disorder is non-curable. Thus, the experts also recommend natural remedies as they have no side effects and they can help ease the symptoms more effectively.
Some of the best Psoriasis natural treatment in Nagpur includes :
- Fish Oil
Some of the studies have suggested that the people who have psoriasis skin disorder are at a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. Thus, it is recommended for you to include fish oil and the servings of tuna, salmon and other omega-3 fatty acid enriched fishes in your diet on regular basis. This will not only help you reduce the inflammation that is caused by the condition of psoriasis but will also reduce your risk of heart diseases.
In fact, you can easily get the fish oil supplements at Psoriasis relief treatment center in Nagpur. However, if you are already taking blood thinners then you should avoid these supplements and fish oil altogether as it will increase your risk of bleeding.
- Yoga and Massage
One of the most common triggers of psoriasis found among people is stress and a good massage therapy along with a yoga session can really help in relieving the stressful nerves in the body. There is no need to take these sessions regularly as we understand that you might be having busy schedules. A half hour yoga session followed by 20-30 minutes of massage twice a day can also be really helpful.
However, make sure that you are not using massage oils with strong fragrances as it might irritate your skin. Also, do not massage so fiercely that it will remove the scales because that would leave a permanent mark on your skin.
- Modifications in Diet
It has often been observed that the people who suffer from celiac disease are at a higher risk of developing the psoriasis skin disorder. For such patients, a gluten-free diet generally helps in relieving the symptoms to a huge extent. Also since gluten is known to cause inflammation in the body, eliminating wheat, rye and barley from your diet would help a lot as psoriasis is an inflammatory disease.
Also, you can try resorting to the food supplements like turmeric, ginger, mustard, curry powder, oregano oil, milk thistle, and evening primrose oil as they have proven to provide great relief to the symptoms caused by psoriasis. In fact, different types of cheese are known to have anti-inflammatory and are hence recommended to be consumed on regular basis.
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