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The Best Ayurvedic Weight Loss Resort - Come To Parijatak


Obesity is a health condition where excess body fat accumulates in different parts of the body usually as an outcome of excessive eating and lack of physical exercises. However, certain medications and diseases also lead to obesity that is nowadays spreading like an epidemic all over the world. According to WHO, obesity stands at the fifth rank when it comes to leading risk factors for early deaths.

Furthermore, obesity is responsible for 44% of all diabetes cases, 23% of ischemic heart disease and from 7% to 41% of some cancers. The cases of obesity among adults have doubled in the last two decades and have increased three times among children. In fact now obesity itself has been termed as a disease by majority of the medical professionals. This is because obesity negatively influences the normal functioning of the body and decreases life expectancy. Hence, obesity is not just a cosmetic problem but very much a serious metabolic one.

Indian Medicines for Weight Loss

India has an age-old tradition of Ayurveda that defines a holistic way of preventing and treating obesity and weight gain issues. In Ayurveda, obesity is termed as ‘Medoroga’ that is caused due to accumulation of fat in the body or hampered metabolism of fat. This fat accumulation occurs due to a collective imbalance of various constituents in the body. It includes an imbalance of all the three doshas including Vata, Pita, and Kapaha; an imbalance of digestive fire known as agni; an imbalance of microcirculatory channels known as shrotas; and an imbalance of waste products known as malas.

The best possible ways of treating obesity are: 

·         Lifestyle and behavior changes: This includes counseling, active lifestyle and a commitment towards the weight loss program.
·         Physical Exercises: The best possible exercises for weight loss are running, jogging, cycling and various other cardiovascular exercises.

·         Dietary Changes: It is very important to replace unhealthy diet with healthy diet options like fruits, green leafy vegetables, salads and juices. Further to this, it is important to restrict high carbohydrate diet, fried and junk foods.
·         Ayurvedic medicine for obesity: Various herbs are most effective for weight loss treatment. The most common amongst them are amla, Haritaki, Bibhitaka, Guggul.

Some of the ayurvedic treatment for obesity home remedies includes: 

·         A glass of honey water mixed with few drops of lemon juice
·         Spices like cinnamon, black pepper and ginger
·         3 to 4 curry leaves in the morning
·         1 cup of tomato juice empty stomach
·         1 cup of bottle guard juice empty stomach
·         Handful of Indian plum leaves soaked overnight
·         Consumption of raw cabbage
·         More of whole grains like ragi and oats

·         Daily consumption of apple cider vinegar and few drops of lemon juice in a glass of water
·         1 cup of green tea daily
·         1 small glass of vinegar water
·         1 cup of peppermint tea twice daily
·         Use of cayenne pepper for cooking
·         Black pepper in lemon juice
·         Consumption of triphala powder
·         Use of flax seeds

Now the medical community has termed obesity as a disease and this is true considering the fact that it can cause many serious ailments. This is the reason that people who are very overweight at some point start looking for treatment of obesity. Come to a Parijatak for a complete weight loss package including various therapies, procedures and best Ayurvedic medicines for obesity.


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