
Showing posts from August, 2018

Ayurvedic obesity treatment in Nagpur

14 Days To A Better Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss in Nagpur has become one of the fastest growing disorder of the decade. From children to adults, one in four individuals is obese.  Obesity means that the body mass index (BMI) is more than 27. Excessive accumulation of fat in the body causes obesity.  In a day we consume near about 1600-2000 calories and only 1000-1200 calories utilization done by yourself means near about 600-800 calories remain in the body.  This leads to excess deposition of fat in the body and causes obesity. Increased body fat put the person at risk of critical diseases like heart disorders, diabetes, kidney ailments, liver diseases, arthritis and much more. Ayurvedic Obesity Treatment in Nagpur Acharya Charak explained obesity in “Asthnidit Adhaya ”. It is known as Medoroga. It is called by the aggravation of Kapha. Kapha is normal state provide nourishment to tissues through various microchanne...

Understanding Mind and Psychological Disorders

Parijatak Provides the Best Choice for Treating Mental Disorders through Ayurveda Mental illnesses are brain and mental conditions that affects the functioning of a person’s thinking, mood, ability, sentiments and daily activities. These conditions often occur in a reduced capacity of coping with the daily and necessary demands of life. The most common symptoms of mental illness are associated with improper functioning of the brain. The symptoms include ·          Lack of concentration ·          Lack of sleep ·          Loss of appetite ·          Weight loss ·          Reduced thinking ability ·          Reduced efficiency in work performance Individuals suffering from mental illness often become hopeless, hel...

Tratamento natural da psoríase

A psoríase é uma condição dermatológica inflamatória que afeta pessoas entre 15 e 40 anos. Não-infecciosa, a condição faz com que a pele desenvolva placas enferrujadas nas áreas afetadas. Escalas prateadas aparecem em cima das inflamações eritematosas que coçam severamente. A causa real por trás da condição é clinicamente desconhecida. A condição é dito ter 15% de morbidade no caso de qualquer dos pais são ou foram afetados por ela. Caso seja um caso em que ambos os pais apresentem psoríase em algum momento, a probabilidade de os filhos terem essa doença aumenta para 50%. Tratamento de Psoríase em Nagpur Na Ayurveda, existem alguns tratamentos muito eficazes da psoríase. O método Panchakarma é usado para eliminar as toxinas do corpo que são as causas predominantes de todos os distúrbios dermatológicos. O tratamento da psoríase em segue principalmente um cronograma que divide em diferentes fases. No primeiro estágio, os pacientes colocam-se abaixo de um curso do ghee m...

Get into a Virtual World of Weight Loss

The Best Ayurvedic Weight Loss Resort - Come To Parijatak   Obesity is a health condition where excess body fat accumulates in different parts of the body usually as an outcome of excessive eating and lack of physical exercises. However, certain medications and diseases also lead to obesity that is nowadays spreading like an epidemic all over the world. According to WHO, obesity stands at the fifth rank when it comes to leading risk factors for early deaths. Furthermore, obesity is responsible for 44% of all diabetes cases, 23% of ischemic heart disease and from 7% to 41% of some cancers. The cases of obesity among adults have doubled in the last two decades and have increased three times among children. In fact now obesity itself has been termed as a disease by majority of the medical professionals. This is because obesity negatively influences the normal functioning of the body and decreases life expectancy. Hence, obesity is not just a cosmetic problem but very muc...

15 Tips For Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis Treatment in Nagpur Psoriasis Treatment in Nagpur – Psoriasis is an inflammatory dermatological condition that affects people aged between 15 and 40. Non-infectious, the condition causes the skin to develop rusty plaques in the affected areas. Silvery scales appear on top of the erythematous inflammations that itch severely. The real cause behind the condition is clinically unknown. The condition is said to have 15% morbidity in case either of the parents are or were affected by it. Should it be a case in which both the parents had psoriasis at some point, the probability of the children having it rises to 50%. Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis in Nagpur In Ayurveda, there are some very effective treatments of Psoriasis. Panchakarma method is used to flush the body’s toxins that are the predominant causes of all dermatological disorders. The  Psoriasis treatment in Nagpur  mostly follow a schedule which splits it up into different phases. In the...