Various Ways To Do Ayurvedic Treatment For Venous Skin Ulcer

     About Venous Skin Ulcer-

A skin ulcer is a type of wound that develops on the skin. A venous skin ulcer is a shallow wound that occurs when the leg veins don’t return blood back toward the heart the way they should. This is called venous insufficiency. See a picture of abnormal blood flow caused by venous insufficiency.

These ulcers usually form on the sides of the lower leg, above the ankle and below the calf. See a picture of areas affected by venous skin ulcers
Venous skin ulcers are slow to heal and often come back if you don’t take steps to prevent them.
A venous skin ulcer is also called a stasis leg ulcer.
Venous skin ulcers are caused by poor blood circulation from the legs, such as from venous insufficiency. Your veins have one-way valves that keep blood flowing toward the heart. In venous insufficiency, the valves are damaged, and blood backs up and pools in the vein. Fluid may leak out of the vein and into the surrounding tissue. This can lead to a breakdown of the tissue and an ulcer.
Veins that become blocked also may cause fluid to pool, leading to these ulcers.
Some things can increase your risk of venous skin ulcers. These include:
·         Deep vein thrombosis, in which a blood clot (thrombus) forms in the deep veins of the legs.
·         Obesity.
·         Smoking.
·         Lack of physical activity.
·         Work that requires many hours of standing.
There are two other types of skin ulcers that can happen on the lower leg or feet. They are different from venous skin ulcers.
·         Arterial skin ulcers are less common than venous skin ulcers. They happen when artery disease is present (sometimes in combination with venous disease). These ulcers tend to be extremely painful. They are usually on the toes and feet.
·         Neuropathic skin ulcers are also known as diabetic neuropathic ulcers. They occur in people who have little or no sensation in their feet because of diabetic nerve damage.


The first sign of a venous skin ulcer is skin that turns dark red or purple over the area where the blood is leaking out of the vein. The skin also may become thick, dry, and itchy.
Without treatment, an ulcer may form. The ulcer may be painful. You also may have swollen and achy legs.
If the wound becomes infected, the infection may cause an odor, and pus may drain from the wound. The area around the wound also may be more tender and red.
Call your doctor when you first notice the signs of a venous skin ulcer, because you may be able to prevent the ulcer from forming. If an ulcer has formed, get treatment right away, because new and smaller ulcers tend to heal faster than larger ones.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Venous Skin Ulcer At Central India

·         Pitta vata samanam
·         Sophagnam
·         Vrana sodhana ropana dravya prayogam

Ayurvedic Medicines For  Venous Skin Ulcer

·         Punarnavadi Kashayam

Punarnavadi Kashayam is a very famous Ayurvedic medicine in liquid form. It is also known as Punarnavashtaka kashaya, Punarnavashtak kwath. But there is slight difference. Punarnavadi kashayam contains turmeric as an extra ingredient. But both have quite similar properties and therapeutic action.
Punarnavadi Kashayam benefits:
It is used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions like myxedema, ascites, anasarca.
Some doctors use this medicine as natural diuretic.
It is also used in the treatment of respiratory conditions, cold, cough, dyspnoea, anemia and abdominal pain.
Punarnavadi Kashayam Ingredients: 
Punarnava – Boerhaavia diffusa
Daru – Cedrus deodara
Nisha – Turmeric
Tikta – Andrographis paniculata
Patola – Luffa acutangula
Pathya – Terminalia chebula
Pichumarda – Neem
Musta – Cyperus rotundus
Nagara – Ginger
It is added with 8 parts of water, boiled and reduced to quarter part, filtered.
Punarnavadi Kashayam reference: 
Bhaishajya Ratnavali Udararoga 43-44, Sahasrayogam.
Dosage: 60 ml morning and night after food

·         Triphala Guggul

Triphala Guggul is a very famous Ayurvedic medicine in tablet form. It is also known as Triphala Guggulu tablets, Triphala Gulgulu etc. This tablet has Guggulu (commiphora mukul) as its base.It is widely used in the Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss.
Triphala Guggul benefits:
It is widely used in the Ayurvedic treatment of weight loss, piles, fistula and inflammatory conditions.
Triphala Guggul Ingredients: 
Haritaki – Terminalia chebula – 48 g
Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellirica – 48 g
Amalaki – Emblica officinalis – 48 g
Krishna – Long pepper – 48 g
Guggulu – Purified Commiphora mukul.
All the above ingredients are pounded with guggulu and rolled into pills of uniform size of 500 mg.
Triphala Guggul reference: 
Sharangdhara Samhita madhyamakhanda 7/82-83
Dosage: 1 teaspoon three times a day after food

·         Jatyadi Ghrita

Jatyadi Ghrita is an Ayurvedic medicine, in herbal ghee form.This medicine has ghee as its base. It is used for the preparatory procedure for Panchakarma and also as a medicine. It is also known as Jatyadi Ghritam. This medicine is used for external application only.
Jatyadi Ghrita benefits:
It is used externally in the treatment of deep-seated wounds and ulcers, non-healing wound with secretions.
Useful in skin tuberculosis lesions.
Jatyadi Ghrit Ingredients:
Jati – Jasminum sambac- 14.76 g
Nimbapatra – neem leaves- 14.76 g
Patolapatra – Trichosanthes dioica- 14.76 g
Katuka – Picrorrhiza kurroa- 14.76 g
Darvi – Berberis aristata – 14.76 g
Nisha – Curcuma longa – 14.76 g
Sariva – Hemidesmus indica- 14.76 g
Manjishta – Rubia cordifolia- 14.76 g
Abhaya – Terminalia chebula / Vetiveria zizanioides – 14.76 g
Siktaka – Honey bee wax – 14.76 g
Tuttha – Purified blue vitriol – 14.76 g
Madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra- 14.76 g
Naktahva – Pongamia pinnata – 14.76 g
Sarpi – ghee – 768 ml
water – 3.072 liters
The above combination is heated till herbal ghee is prepared.
Jatyadi Ghrita reference:
Ashtanga Hrudaya Uttarasthana 25/67
Dosage: External Application over the wound

·         Sahacharadi Thailam

Sahacharadi Thailam is an Ayurvedic herbal oil used in the treatment of Vata imbalance disorders, muscle and joint stiffness and convulsions. It is used orally and also for massage.
·         Sahacharadi Tailam uses: It is useful in the Ayurvedic treatment of Vata diseases, tremors, convulsions, psychosis, the stiffness of thigh, muscle cramps, and muscle wasting.
It helps to relieve rhinitis and sinusitis.
It is useful in gynecological disorders.
·         Sahacharadi Thailam ingredients and how to make:
Coarse powder of –
Sahachara – Strobilanthes ciliates – 4.8 kg
480 grams of each of
Bilva – Aegle marmelos
Agnimantha – Premna mucronata
Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum
Gambhari – Gmelina arborea
Patala – Stereospermum suaveolens
Shalaparni – Desmodium gangeticum
Prinshnaparni – Urarica picta
Gokshura – Tribulus terrestris
Brihati – Solanum indicum
Kantakari – Solanum xanthocarpum
Abhiru – Asparagus racemosus – 2.4 kg
Water for decoction – 49.152 liters, boiled and reduced to 12.288 liters, filtered.
Paste prepared from fine powders of 48 g of each of
Sevya – Khus Khus – Vetiveria zizanioides
Nakha – Capparis sepiaria
Kushta – Saussurea lappa
Hima – Sandalwood – Santalum album
Ela – Cardamom – Elettaria cardamomum
Sprikka – Anisomeles malabarica
Priyangu – Callicarpa macrophylla
Nalika – Hibiscus cannabinus
Ambu – Pavonia odorata
Shaileya – Parmelia perlata
Lohita – Indian Madder (root) – Rubia cordifolia
Nalada – Nardostachys jatamansi
Loha (Agaru) – Aquilaria agallocha
Surahva – Himalayan cedar (bark) – Cedrus deodara
Choraka – Angelica glauca
Mishi – Indian Dill – Anethum sowa
Turushka – Liquid amber orientalis
Nata – Indian valerian (root) – Valeriana wallichi
Ksheera – Cow milk – 3.072 liters
Taila – Sesame oil – Sesamum indicum – 3.072 liters
The above set of ingredients is heated till only oil remains, filtered.
Reference of Sahacharadi Tel: Ashtanga Hrudayam Chikitsa Sthana 29 / 66-68
Dosage: 1o drops with milk at night.
·         Plain unheated coconut oil – For external application
Ayurvedic Treatment For Venous Skin Ulcer At Central India, if you are suffering from following Venous Skin Ulcer take a direct consultation From Dr. Nitesh Khonde.


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