Ayurvedic Treatment for Glioma the Best Solution
Ayurvedic Treatment Of Glioma At Central India
About Glioma-
A Glioma is a type of tumor that starts in the brain or spine. It is called a glioma because it arises from Glial cells. The most common site of gliomas is the brain. gliomas make up 30% of all brain and central nervous system tumors and 80% of all malignant brain tumors.
Three types of glial cells can produce tumors. Gliomas are classified according to the type of glial cell involved in the tumor.
Types of glioma include:
· Astrocytomas, including astrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, and glioblastoma
· Ependymomas, including anaplastic ependymoma, myxo papillary ependymoma, and subependymoma
· Oligodendrogliomas, including oligodendroglioma, anaplastic oligodendroglioma, and anaplastic oligoastrocytom
Gliomas can affect your brain function and be life-threatening depending on their location and rate of growth.
Gliomas are one of the most common types of primary brain tumors.
The symptoms of glioma vary by tumor type as well as the tumor’s size, location,and rate of growth.
Common signs and symptoms of gliomas include:
· Headache
· Nausea or vomiting
· Confusion or a decline in brain function
· Memory loss
· Personality changes or irritability
· Difficulty with balance
· Urinary incontinence
· Vision problems, such as blurred vision, double vision or loss of peripheral vision
· Speech difficulties
· Seizures, especially in someone without a history of seizures
These symptoms usually come on gradually over a period of days to months. Depending on what part of the brain the glioma is in, the symptoms may vary. Patients with brain tumors are also at increased risk of developing blood clots in the leg (deep vein thrombosis, DVT), lung (pulmonary embolism, PE), or brain (stroke). Unfortunately, the symptoms of a brain tumor are quite general and can also be caused by a number of other, non-cancerous, conditions.
Like most primary brain tumors, the exact cause of gliomas is not known. But there are some factors that may increase your risk of a brain tumor.Hereditary genetic disorders such as neurofibromatoses (type 1 and type 2) and tuberous sclerosis complex are known to predispose to their development.Different oncogenes can cooperate in the development of gliomas.Researchers have observed in some studies that brain tumor patients (or their mothers) have generally consumed more cured foods (also known as Curing) than control groups.
Gliomas have been correlated to the electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, and a link between cancer and cell phone usage was considered possible,
Risk factors-
Risk factors include:
Risk factors include:
· Your age. Your risk of a brain tumor increases as you age. Gliomas are most common in adults between 60 and 80 years old. However, a brain tumor can occur at any age. Certain types of gliomas, such as ependymomas and pilocytic astrocytomas, are more common in children and young adults.
· Exposure to radiation. People who have been exposed to a type of radiation called ionizing radiation have an increased risk of brain tumor. Examples of ionizing radiation include radiation therapy used to treat cancer and radiation exposure caused by atomic bombs.More common forms of radiation, such as electromagnetic fields from power lines and radio-frequency radiation from cell phones and microwave ovens, have not been shown to increase the risk of glioma.
· The family history of glioma. It’s rare for glioma to run in families. But having a family history of glioma can double the risk of developing it. Some genes have been weakly associated with glioma, but more study is needed to confirm the link between these genetic variations and brain tumors.
Ayurvedic Treatment Of Glioma At Central India
1.Kaphavata & Medoharam
2. Sopha Haram
3. Use Of katu Rasa
4. Lekhana Guna, Usna tiksna pramati drugs
Ayurvedic Medicine For Glioma
Varanadi Kashayam
Varanadi Kashayam is a herbal formulation used in Ayurveda for the treatment of urinary disorders, skin diseases, and obesity.Varanadi Kashayam has the capacity to correct the digestion and metabolism. It helps in fatty liver, belly fat and central obesity. In skin diseases, it is beneficial to reduce itching. Therefore, it can be helpful in eczema and dermatitis.
Varanadi Kashayam contains following ingredients.
1. Crataeva nurvala (Varuna)
2. Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari)
3. Plumbago zeylanica (Chitrak)
4. Strobilanthes ciliatus (Sairyaka)
5. Chonemorpha fragrans (Moorva)
6. Aegle marmelos (Bael or Bilva or golden apple)
7. Aristolochia bracteolate (Vishanika, Kiramar)
8. Solanum melongena (Brihati)
9. Aerua lanata (Bhadra)
10. Pongamia glabra (Karanja)
11. Holoptelia integrifolia (Pootikaranja)
12. Premna corymbosa (Jaya)
13. Terminalia chebula (Hareetki)
14. Moringa oleifera (Sahijan, Bahalapallava)
15. Desmostachya bipinnata (Kush, Darbha)
16. Semecarpus anacardium (Agnimukh, Rujakara, Marking Nut)
Dosage: 60ml before food with Bhallatakam Ghrtam.
Kanchnar Guggulu
Kanchnar Guggulu is also known as Kanchanara Guggulu / gulgulu.It is one of the very efficient Ayurvedic herbal medicine. Its reference is found in Bhaishajya ratnavali, 44th chapter.
Ingredients –
Bauhinia variegata L. (Bark),
Terminalia chebula Retz (Fruit rind),
Terminalia bellerica (Fruit rind),
Emblica officinalis (Fruit),
Zingiber officinale (Rhizome),
Piper nigrum (Fruit),
Piper longum Linn (Fruit),
Crataeva nurvala (bark),
Elettaria cardamomum (Fruit),
Cinnamomum Zeylanicum (Leaves & Bark)
Commiphora mukul (Guggulu Resin)
Useful in treating goiter (nodules of the neck), tumors and extra growths, useful in herbal wound healing, skin diseases, sinuses, and fistula.
Dosage: 2-3 times a day after food.
Cow Urine (Gomutra arkam)
Dosage: 25ml in the evening (lekhana in action)
Haritaki Churna
In Ayurveda, Haritaki is referred to as a herbaceous plant used primarily in various medicinal formulations. In Ayurveda, the philosophy of longevity is described in the Charka Samhita that it possesses five rasas, or tastes, out of the existing six as described in the Charka Samhita. These tastes are, respectively, sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent; Haritaki being devoid of the salty taste. Haritaki is hot, carminative, and it is light, works as an appetizer bringing about the stimulation of digestion, digestive, promoter of life. Tonic, a herb helping in the sustenance of youthful age, alleviates all diseases and provides strength to all the sense organs.
Dosage: 1 teaspoon with warm water
Ardha bilva paniyam – 50 ml /day (Sophaharam)
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