The Truth About GrivaBasti Therapy

Quite similar to the katibasti the procedure of applying heat to the cervical region by retaining warm medicated oil with in a specially formed frame on this area is known by the name Grivabasti. This basti is indicated in painful conditions of the cervical region like cervical spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, disc prolapse, ankylosing-pond it is, rheumatoid arthritis etc. The prescription of medicated oil for the therapy is similar to the katibasti. To carry out the procedure of grivabasti the client is made to sit on a knee high stool, with his arm and head resting on a chest high table kept in front of him. In this position the trunk is slightly bent forwards, the neck is flexed and the forehead is resting on the table. This position of the client is most ideal for the grivabasti as the cervical region remains almost horizontal.GrivaBasti Therapy GrivaBasti Therapy GrivaBasti Therapy GrivaBasti TherapyGri A frame of black gram paste is made around the painful cervical...